
November 3rd, 2022
Tips For Dealing With Loneliness In Your Life
COVID-19 isn't the only outbreak facing the world today. Loneliness was declared an epidemic earlier this year, according to Mailman School of Public Health. Back in 2019, a poll by ...
November 2nd, 2022
Burnout rates are on the rise, especially among women

After a year and a half as a supply chain manager, Jill Shaffer was feeling burned out. The 49-year-old had been putting in 50 hours a week at her job in the cannabis industry, working a typical eight-hour day in the office only to spend her evenings at home catching up on emails and texts. She began to question her position when she noticed her physical and mental health deteriorating.

November 2nd, 2022
Coaching Through the Pandemic: Reframing Coach Leadership and Guidance

Students, coaches and advisers face challenges throughout any season. In fact, one of the reasons people gravitate to athletics is to find out how they respond to challenges in a safe and supportive environment.

February 17th, 2020
A Teen’s Alcohol Addiction is A Family, Social and Community Affair – Get the Right Help
Listen up parents, your teen is at that age where alcohol consumption will happen at the next party, under the bleachers at schools or in an abandoned house on the ...
February 10th, 2020
Teen Depression – A Mental Problem Needing Deeper Understanding and Support
As a parent, guardian or friend who does not have this medical condition, it will be hard to really connect on the level required to make a difference, but you ...

Do You Know Your Teen's Favorite Slang? Watch The VIdeo And You May Be Surprised!

Want To Connect More With Your Teen? Check Out Our Workshop!

Updated New Slang Words for 2020 - Stay On Top of Your Game!

Teenager (noun) - When you're too young for half the things you want to do and too old to do the other half.


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