Your imagination is your preview to life's coming attraction.
Back on April 17, 2019, an article of a bright, ambitious twenty-two-year-old journalism Fordham University student, Sidney Paige Monfries caught the attention of our team. She fell forty feet from the Keating Hall Clock bell tower on the campus property while “trying to get a better view of the skyline” for an Instagram selfie with other graduating students. The police stated that she may have been participating in a “Rite of Passage” event. Paramedics at the scene revived her from flatlining and hours later airlifted her to St. Barnabas Hospital suffering from head and neck injuries. In addition to the back of the head being smashed in and, her severe pelvic injuries that were devastatingly added to the severity. Unfortunately, due to the narrow passageway, extracting her was delayed and she succumbed to her head, neck and pelvic injuries passing away hours later.
Since 2011 there have been over 300+ deaths by social media cases of taking daring selfies and risking way too much for “Likes” and “Social Influencer” status among peers. YouTube, Instagram, and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teens. Fully 95% of teens have access to a smartphone, and 45% say they are online ‘almost constantly.’ (Pew Research Center) Other studies found that Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram all led to increased feelings of depression, anxiety, poor body image, and loneliness.
Something is DEFINITELY WRONG here. More importantly, what must be done before another teen becomes a statistic in the coming years.
For us, at Tateworks there was no greater question than “What can we do to change this paradigm?” There are too many instances like Sidney Paige Monfries and so many others who found out too late. before more succumb to this social media addiction. Not only interrupting healthy living, choices, and actions but if we don’t start now – When.
How can we help parents, teens, schools, and support systems create guard rails to correct teens thoughts, behaviors and activities so that “Dying to Fit In” and other social issues teens and parents struggle with will be less intrusive, destructive or habit-forming?
The time to break social media, technology reliance and taking back our control – Is Now!
If you’re a parent who needs help talking to your teen about vaping, then this workshop is customized to help you through it. What’s the deal with vaping and teens these days? According to recent news stories of teens having a shortage of breath, lungs needing to be replaced, it is becoming something of a moral and health panic recently. The CEO of the popular e-cigarette company Juul called the nearly 200 cases of vaping-related illnesses ‘worrisome, ‘but won’t pull products.” He states his popular products will stay on the market “until we some facts.” Unfortunately, it will take more deaths to get this money machine to halt and work with the community to find the facts. This same company has been marketing and advertising to your teens in high schools and colleges. Unfortunately, recent vaping hospital visits are recording an even worse issue, street vaping ‘juice’ that is not regulated but are found to be even more potent toxic dosages. A national discourse, in the very least, with parents like yourself wringing their hands, having panic attacks and wondering what needs to be done about this latest trend. The good news is that with a rational look at the wider context, educating yourself first, connecting with your teen with a caring talk vs. lecture goes a long way. Your love, concern, and honesty will be the compassion that is needed. The best recourse and actions come with the love, respect, and understanding from both sides. You both will get through this and be better for it – Trusting a solid process with the right attitude will make this workshop invaluable on your own journey.
The goals will include:
Do you control your Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, accounts or DO THEY CONTROL YOU? With this workshop, we’re going to see why so many young adults are literally, and figuratively dying to fit™ in on social media and is it worth it!
The goals will include:
The imbalance in power as an adult can be traumatizing, so imagine what happens with a vulnerable young adult? Being harassed, attacked or victimized isn’t funny, right or fair, but it is happening with deadly consequences. As a parent or teen understanding that this is done with individuals or groups can happen anywhere and nobody is excluded. Delving into sexting and the need for validation and depression and losing control can be very lonely. How to use reverse in role to see both sides of the fence. Sometimes there is more to control, choosing to be or not to be. Having the confidence to see who you are more clearly and how valued you are without approval from those who do not truly respect, appreciate or know you. MAKE YOUR OWN VISION and choose to be happy.
The goals will include:
It’s never been easy being a teen or young adult not even with thousands of years to perfect this awkward stage of existence. You will hear people “Back in my days we….” sayings a lot around you. It appears parent, adults, teachers, other authority figures just don’t understand what kind of unique challenges, hurdles and decisions you face daily? You may be partially right – It’s been a while for them and things do change. What is it like being a teen today when you are faced with “Too (Fill-in-the-blank-here)?” Whether it’s online, offline or even at home? You are too short, too fat, too skinny, too smart, too stupid, wear too much make-up or too little, too many freckles, too many pimples, too ugly, too out of shape or bad at sports, too happy, too sad, too straight or not enough…Do you get the picture?
The social pressures of the modern world have left too many young adults susceptible to extreme and risky thoughts, behavior, and actions that push extreme results to even death. How can you possibly figure out your “Confident Unique Space” and stay sane in this crazy world and still be yourself? Here’s an easy answer: Start by being honest. You will need to ask yourself this all-encompassing yet important question: What is the Best Vision of myself I'd like to share with the world? In other words, when you are left alone and with your private thoughts ask yourself “Who AM I?” The honest answer is where you and those who love, admire and respect you most (your parents, family members, teachers, etc.) can help you build a solid foundation for life. You will find the answers within and staying true to yourself will guide yours through all the noise, social peer pressures or false messages stressing you out daily. Saying repeatedly and confidently, “I Got This!”
Remember: Beauty Begins the Moment You Decide to Be Yourself
If you choose, being a teenager can be a great time not only is it the only time in your life you will find happiness straddling between childhood and adulthood. Blaming your immaturity for the childish things you do but still use the “I’m almost an adult” card when it is most convenient (wink). Or, a time to try different things from hairdos, fashion styles or passions. Or, enjoy your “Firsts” from your first concert, ‘real’ relationships to your first car. Or, gaining your parent's trust with more responsibilities and freedom to name a few.
Best Vision of You ™ series presence our Begin to Succeed Now™ Teen Workshops are tailored to practically, honestly and effectively address these social peer pressure, bullying, vape/drug, social media, academic, etc. struggles that parents, teens, schools face, in general. Why are young adults “Dying to Fit In?” Before you can be prepared to head to college, begin a new entrepreneurial endeavor or other lofty goals you need to build the “Best Vision of You™” from within to shine before you or the peer pressure you'll face!
Research has found that teens who start drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to develop alcohol dependence later on in life.
Want To Connect More With Your Teen? Check Out Our Workshop!
Updated New Slang Words for 2020 - Stay On Top of Your Game!
If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for like 8 years, you can believe in yourself for like 5 minutes.
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What can be done to improve your odds out there?
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