
Teenage Bullying is On the Rise and The Consequences Even More Severe

Published September 17th, 2019 by Tateworks LLC

As a parent, guardian, family member or friend you are by now been exposed to someone you know being a bully, bullied or both, but for a teen, it’s far more devastating. It becomes a cycle that can affect everyone, especially if there are younger kids in the household being negatively affected or even more severely.

What is Teen Bullying?

In a Bing search, Teen bullying is often a warning sign that children and teens are heading for trouble and are at risk for serious violence. Teens (particularly boys) who bully are more likely to engage in other antisocial/delinquent behavior (e.g., vandalism, shoplifting, truancy, and drug use) into adulthood.

Another definition according to Pacer Teens Against Bullying org – Bullying is more than disagreements, differences of opinion, or conflicts that occur between friends and classmates. Bullying definition typically includes: The person is being hurt, harmed, or humiliated with words or behavior; The behavior is repeated or there is a concern that it will be repeated. The person being hurt has a hard time stopping or preventing the behavior. The hurtful behavior is carried out by those who have more power, such as being older, being physically bigger or stronger, having more social status, or when a group of students singles out an individual.

How to Know if You Teenager is Being Bullied or a Bully?

If being bullied, here are some signs to look for:

  • Does he or she come home from school with damaged, ripped, missing clothes, books, or other property?
  • Are there unexplained cuts or bruises?
  • Not hanging out with other teens like before?
  • Not too thrilled to go to school, whether walking to or from school, riding the school bus, or joining in school activities with other teenagers?
  • No longer interested in schoolwork or grades are nosediving?
  • Always have an unexplained ailment from headaches to other physical problems?
  •  Appears anxious or lacking in self-esteem? Looking more rugged than usual?

If being the bully, here are some signs to look for:

  • Younger teens are more likely to bully or be bullied than older teens.
  • Boys who bully are usually physically stronger than their peers.
  • While teenage boys pick on both boys and girls, teenage girls usually only bully other girls.


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